Saturday, April 14, 2007


Last night I went to Chinese class with Jessica & Anna. Lots of girls, lots of noise, but it was fun. Today I went scootering with Anna while Jessica was at a Brownie badge workshop. Then I accompanied them to dance class and to buy a gift for a birthday party. I'm not sure if I get to go to the birthday party tomorrow or not.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

This looks a little better

I trimmed it down so it fits in a 9" x 12" envelope. So we can start with this one unless of course someone else has been working on a Ladybug.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I think she needs to be on a leaf, maybe light green to make her more photogenic. She's maybe 8" long and 6" wide, so not as large as she looks in the picture.

Lady will start her adventures soon!

I'm going to work on making our Flat Ladybug this weekend if I can get my taxes done by then. I've been trying to find a cute clipart picture and looking around for something to cut out, but no luck. I bought some foam board but I'm not sure how that will hold up for mailing. So I might go with cardstock and glue it on cardboard. I guess I'll see. Then maybe I'll laminate it. I guess I'll just see what I come up with. Lady might be pretty basic. Maybe I'll put her on a leaf or something, too.